Sunday 27 April 2008

Recommended stories and poems - 1

Here it is: my first list of recommended stories (including fanfics) and poems!

Many thanks to all of the authors who granted me their permission to link to their work. And special thanks to those who took the time to visit this blog and even to leave comments. :)

I invite you all to read the following (in no particular order):

She Would Wait, by Miyoku - Fanfiction (Naruto), General/Romance.

Our StarBoats, by Simi Landau - Poem, Fantasy/Adventure.

Freindly Competition, by Crazeediazee411 - Prose, Romance/Humour.

Headaches, by Fairybrat - Poem, General.

Doesn't He Understand?, by Jag Lady - Fanfiction (CSI: Miami), Hurt/Comfort/Angst.

Chances, by TessaStarDean - Fanfiction (CSI: New York), Romance/Friendship.

Hurt, by Katie - Fanfiction (Law and Order: SVU), General/Angst.

The next batch of recommended readings will be published within a few days. Why don't I publish everything at once? Because I want to give you all enough time to read the stories listed above before we proceed to the next ones.


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